In a recent meeting, a hardware engineer turned and expressed his frustration at the state of a software stack. The frustration centered on the unbelievable complexity the software had accumulated over the years. There was a feeling that somehow, somewhere the software team had lost its way.
An attempt was made to make analogy to hardware. The claim was that hardware that tries to fight physics inherently fails to work. That physical laws constrain design and designs that fight those laws end up failing. And that therefore there were certain physical laws our software had violated and that as a result had become so complex.
In particular an appeal was made to modularity and strong API boundaries as the key to great software. That to not have those things, meant that we were breaking some laws of physics or their nearest software equivalent.
And it got me thinking. A lot. It was an interesting perspective. In all my discussions about software with software guys, the idea that physics would have anything to do with anything never came up.
Over the last month, I came to the conclusion that the hardware engineer was correct about the need to follow some principles but those principles were not physical laws.
All you have to do is read is this paper: Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs by John Backus to realize that software does not view physics or the underlying hardware as its master. In fact Backus calls on software practioners to create software that will force hardware people to create new kinds of hardware:
There are numerous indications that the applicative style of programming can become more powerful than the von Neumann style… when these models and their applicative languages have proved their superiority over conventional languages will we have the economic basis to develop the new kind of computer that can best implement them. Only then, perhaps, will we be able to fully utilize large-scale integrated circuits in a computer design not limited by the von Neumann bottleneck
Physics is the thing that gets in the way of our software, the thing that enables us to execute our software in the real world, but not our master.
Instead, I would argue that the laws that software ignores at it’s peril is the structure of reasoned arguments.
What do I mean? Software has the wonderful property that it’s correctness is formally unknowable. We can’t know if it is correct. And if we can’t know, what do we do?
All we can do is reason about the software. And to reason about software is to try and understand an argument.
If that is the case, then an argument that is well crafted is:
- Clear
- Concise
- Structured
- Has a general structure based on specific facts
- Complete
- Novel
- Builds on previous arguments
All attributes of good software are actually the attributes of good reasoning.
As an argument acquires complexity it becomes harder to follow, harder to re-use, harder to understand, harder to leverage, harder to understand it’s correctness.
And that fact, perhaps, explains why software is so hard. Good software reflects the quality of our ability to reason and articulate our reasoning.
Things like modularity and APIs are really techniques to construct good arguments.
Our software mess wasn’t because we had failed to followed some laws of physics, it’s because we had chosen to become sloppy in our thinking and our reasoning.
What does this mean, practically?
As we try and struggle on how to make software better, what we don’t talk about is the need to improve our engineers ability to reason. Our schools focused on mechanisms and techniques spend very little time on specific training on how to argue.
Perhaps, there is something we need to learn from the law. Unclear.