Over the years in my career, I have seen the tension between – “MOAR FEATURES” vs. “MOAR EFFICIENCY’.
The more features camp tends to view everything through the prism of – add more features to find more customers. Therefore, every business problem is a feature problem. And any activity that doesn’t result in more features is a waste of time.
The more efficient camp tends to view everything through the prism of – if the software and the construction of the software were more efficient, we could save money and be more productive.
The pro-features folks tend to argue that growth is the solution to every efficiency problem. If you have more money, you can spend your way out of any problem. And so the goal is always to be making more money. The pro-features camp also argues that there are many ways to be more efficient, including hiring cheaper engineers.
This Manichean view of the universe is how we arrive at Product Manager type CEOs arguing that we shouldn’t invest in anything that detracts from feature velocity.
Strategic software architecture must take a different point of view.
Until a product has achieved product-market fit and viability past 18 months isn’t assured, any investment that pays out after 18 months is of questionable value.
Once a product-market fit has been achieved and viability past 18 months is assured, efficiency investments effectively extend the business’s runway, return the margin to the business, and allow the company to generate more cash per dollar spent.
And the point at which you pivot investment is a delicate one.
The pro-feature camp controls the agenda. And they will push hard against any notion that efficiency investment should trump features.
The pro-efficiency camp being overruled for so long will either not exist or have no ability to drive investment decisions.
Worse, the pro-feature camp, by their nature, tends to view any outcome that is further out than 18 months to be very speculative. And the pro-efficiency camp views the value of their work in a 36 month time horizon.
In this battle, the short-term always wins.
In this struggle and debate, my attitude has always been that efficiency must have its own agenda but must sell it to the pro-feature camp. In effect, every efficiency improvement is really a feature.
But to do that, you have to sacrifice the big bang for small incremental wins along the way. In effect, when the business wants a feature, you write code that also improves the efficiency of the system over time.
And, of course, it’s not that simple.
You also have to pick the right technologies. To deliver the biggest wins, you need to be able to use best-of-breed technologies where there is a competitive market, and you need to be able to swap out technologies easily.
Let’s take multi-cloud, for example. One argument is that making your application portable is foolish because it detracts from the core business, which is feature delivery. The argument is typically presented in the form – “private cloud very hard, public cloud easy, single cloud easier.”
And there is some truth to that. And the ease comes at a cost. And debates ensue.
I see it very differently. There is this massive competitive market of infrastructure providers. That infrastructure is a commodity except in the rarest of cases. As a technologist, I enable the business to be more efficient by allowing it to take advantage of that commodity infrastructure through my software choices. Customers of infrastructure will choose because of externalities—things like laws, vendor relationships, and personal taste.
Pre-k8s, this argument was slightly harder to make because there was no obvious API layer that would allow you to decouple your application layer from the common infrastructure, and the market wasn’t very competitive.
In fact, in 2015, at VMware, I argued that such a layer would have to come into existence, or AWS would own the world. So our job at VMware was to stay alive until such a layer emerged. I remember saying to folks – this thing would emerge miraculously, and when it did, we would need to jump all over it. I remember folks looking at me as if I was delusional.
Well, k8s arrived and was exactly that layer, and we jumped all over it. K8s was breathtakingly brilliant because it was the right choice for developers and infrastructure providers.
And the reality is that just picking k8s already makes your SaaS system more portable. And it’s an easy choice and gives you portability from day 0.
But it’s more than just k8s. Picking a managed Postgres over a custom DB makes your application more portable.
Incremental choices that over time add up so that when you want to make bigger bets, the cost of making those bets is small.
And the real bet is that over time because the market is now competitive, the infrastructure vendors will create an ecosystem that makes multi-cloud easier and private cloud easier.
In fact, I believe that a single cloud strategy advocates ignore how k8s is creating an API layer that enables innovation and competition in all layers simultaneously. And it’s not the only layer. Amazon, for example, with i3N metal instances, created a competitive market for hypervisors in AWS.
The anti-multi-cloud folks point to dropbox as a potential failure because of the complexity. On the contrary, I would argue dropbox is an example of how hard multi-cloud is without the right layers creating an opportunity for competition everywhere.
The anti-multi-cloud folks’ argument also turns to – well, java. The argument is that Java attempted to create a sealed abstraction that hid all infrastructure from the applications and failed.
And they have a point. But the goal isn’t the ability to run the application without change on any cloud; the goal is to make the cost of doing that so small that the efficiency gains can be realized. The goal is to make it easy to force the infrastructure vendors to give up some of their margins to the application.
In this picture, you can see what I mean. In the initial state, the application is using only proprietary APIs. Over time, the applications that are being developed have access to standard APIs. The existence of those standard APIs and a competitive market gives choices. The proprietary APIs never go away; they just become a smaller part of the application. And the most important part is that the goal is not to use custom APIs; the goal is not to let custom APIs hold you hostage, to a vendor. And the other point is that it’s multi-cloud; if you want to use custom APIs, use them.
The emergence of that competitive market is creating innovation right now.
And as a result, forward-thinking venture capitalists and forward-thinking architects will choose technologies that will facilitate the emergence of multi-cloud because it is in their selfish interest.
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